Demonic Beauty - Krasue (2002)
In this ghastly revenge tale from the ancient past, Arawati, a Khmer princess, is forced to marry the conquering tyrant of the new Thai regime, but is in love with one of his soldiers. After being sentenced to death after being caught in a hidden love affair with the young soldier, she is burnt alive, yet not before she has magical incantations spoken over by a Khmer priestess. Although she is burned at the stake, this Khmer magic enables her soul to remain unharmed in her head and bowels, which escape the scene as she is transformed into the Southeast Asian Horror, the Krasue (a.k.a. P'Graseau, or Penanggalan in Chinese), a witch with a flying head. At the same time in another village, another young woman named Dao, who just happend to be her identical twin, dies by black magic because of rejecting the advances of the son of the village sorcerer. Arawati's soul occupies Dao's corpse in order to stay alive on earth...